First time bearer of life

This was my first baby ever, with the man I been with for almost 8 years. I feel like we had different perspectives on the relationship. For me I was in love and happily welcomed, loved and accepted our child. He broke up with me during the pregnancy. We had lots of arguments. Neither he or is family were supportive. I never believed abortion was ever right for me. But I couldn't force a baby onto a father who felt like he wasn't ready. So I aborted my beloved baby.

The whole experience of abortion was traumatizing. The physical and emotional pain is a struggle to deal with. The experience of producing milk was difficult, but I try to turn it into a positive and remember my baby. I regret it and miss my baby so much everyday. I want my baby to know how much I love it.

I wouldn't tell anyone to abort or keep a baby. My advice would be to make a decision you can live with. Also, discuss this important topic with your intimate partner. I write letters to my baby and I bought a scrapbook with the word remember on the cover. I plan on getting a tattoo and engraved necklace. What's most important is to become a better me and forgiveness.