Running Wild with Christine

In December, 2018, I spoke with Christine Wild, the author of “Just Bad Timing” and host of “Running Wild with Christine: Sex, Success and Other Slippery Rabbit Holes. A sex-positive, intersectional & inclusive podcast about life.”

Throughout our podcast episode, we covered a myriad of topics including: storytelling, reproductive health, and grief. We certainly had a great time running amok in the subject matter! We hope you’ll join us.

To give us a listen, follow the link here.

She Said Podcast

"She Said" is "not your average feminist podcast" hosted by Isabel, a wise, humble, and curious interviewer who invites female-identified individuals to speak on their area of interest, spanning from "healing crystals to period trackers to reproductive justice". The podcast aims to "give a voice to individuals and topics not often discussed in mainstream society." 

Unsurprisingly, I was honoured that "She Said" would reach out to speak about SIHaA, its inception, and its mission. 

To listen to the episode, you can visit itunes, soundcloud, or find "She Said" in your podcast app (I found it on PocketCast), and look for episode 25.


Psych N Sex

Psych N Sex is an innovative platform that aims to make social science digestible to the masses. Recognizing that our psychology and sexual health are inextricably linked - as well as how they influenced by our social world, society, and culture - this online mag seeks "to start conversations in a safe, inclusive space and bridge the substantial educational gaps in the world of sexuality & psychology." 

I was honoured when Psych N Sex reached out for an interview. I partook delightedly, and the result can be found here

I recommend you go check out their extensive glossary of articles running the gambit from familiarizing ourselves with people's preferred gender pronouns (e.g. he/him/his, xe/xem/xyrs, etc.) to understanding celibacy. Every article is imbued with self-love and self-care advocacy and guidance. I love them, and you should to!

The Opal Club

The Opal Club is an online community of badass boss ladies. Started as a senior thesis on sexuality vs. sexualization of young girls, it aims to "be a real and raw anthropology of womanhood at all ages and to empower ladies and create an amazing, supportive collective" and offers space for people to engage with political, social, and health issues.

The Founder of "so, I had an abortion..." was approached by The Opal Club to write for the online magazine. Hopefully, we will continue to collaborate in an effort to keep people talking about abortion and how it is not simply a cisgendered woman's struggle, but rather a social, economic, political, health, human rights issue that affects us all. 

For our first piece together, please click here.

Be sure to follow The Opal Club and consider signing up for a subscription to these trail blazers' musings!

Instagram: @theopalclub_
